I think carbs may be the love of my life.

As Someone Older, FeaturedBridget Helene5 Comments

Ok so I am still trying to sort out this "single" thing. It's pretty obvious that when you don't have a boyfriend to lay in bed and do nothing with, you go out. I'm trying to get on board with this, but without fail, in the midst of my fun this buzzer always goes off in my head saying: "Ok. Times up. Time to go home" and for a few months that's exactly what I would do. On command I would politely excuse myself, walk home, listen to some music, pray, cry... you know... normal, broken heart activities. Lately, my internal clock has changed it's tune. Instead of that terrible, I have to get out of here before I burst into tears feeling, a new, more comforting, but possibly even less cool thought has been popping into my mind... PIZZA. The other night some guy was going on and onnnnn about how he awoke his inner child and discovered his spiritual self at Burning Man and I was staring deep into his eyes wondering if it's possible to get pizza there. Shout out to my boys at Bleecker Street. Love you. xxb

bridget bahl new york street style fall 15
bridget bahl new york street style fall 15
bridget bahl new york street style fall 15

Photos by: Alexandra Wolf